

SDI Plastics have the equipment, knowledge, skills and the experience with both onshore and offshore toolmaking to help you create cutting edge tools for plastic injection moulding.  With over 150 years of combined experience, our team of mechanical engineers create the ‘art of the possible’ and design tools made of the highest quality and material, and that are of an unparalleled standard.

The engineering mind involved in delivering a quality tool design

Once your product design has been finalised and ready for manufacturing, it is then time to create your plastic injection mould. This is an important part of the manufacturing process to get right and forms the basis of your ongoing manufacturing production. Depending on the requirements of your project, our expert tooling team will design and manufacture the best injection moulds and tools to suit your product design and production requirements. Our team can also take on existing moulds.

Our in-house toolmaking and tool repairing operation, is based locally in Brisbane, and is equipped to design, create, maintain and repair the complete range of mould tools to cater for locally built moulds. Additionally, our toolmaking service has expanded internationally, and our team work closely with our tooling partners located in Malaysia, China and North America.

Whether you are looking to start a new project, re-shore your manufacturing back to Australia or transfer your injection mould tooling to SDI Plastics, here are a few of the reasons why you should use SDI Plastics for your mould tooling.

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Give us a call to book your free consultation for your plastic solutions in Australia, and learn how much value can be added to your business with SDI Plastics by your side.

Tool (mould) design

The core of the manufacturing process, starts with tool design and toolmaking. At SDI Plastics, our engineering team work very closely with the industrial product designers to design the tooling.  Working with precision to understand the size, complexity, features, functionality, aesthetics and material of the product are all key elements that are assessed in order to carefully craft the tool design.

SDI Plastics toolmaking operation is well equipped to include CNC machining, CNC lathes, CNC EDM, EDM Machining , lathe tooling, manual milling machines, welding, surface grinders and wire cut facilities as well as a range of general toolmaking equipment, for all your toolmaking needs. Depending on the nature and complexity of the product to be manufactured, the toolmaking design process involves either sophisticated digital software to design the tool, manual tool design or a balance of both automated and manual work to carefully design the tool.

Tool design

Quality toolmaking

Both the tool design and tool steel selection are an important consideration when building the framework of the tooling and product application to ensure optimum tool performance and the longevity of the tool. At SDI Plastics, delivering on quality is of paramount importance, and our team of engineers will work closely with you to ensure the tool design is created with quality steel, precision engineering, super features, potentially moveable parts and accuracy. All are important elements for producing a quality tool, ensuring that the tool is reliable and long lasting.

The last phase of the toolmaking process, involves commissioning the tool and testing the tool for the end product. Selecting the right material, colour and trialling the injection moulding machine for the product are essential elements needed to ensure a quality product is produced. The tool is tested, and if required, modified and re-tested until it is ready for production.  Our QA team will ensure dimensional accuracy at this stage to ensure the product is compliant. To ensure the quality of the product is validated, sample products will be sent to you for approval prior to production. Once the product is approved and validated the manufacturing process will commence.

Quality toolmaking

Tool modifications, tool repairs and tool maintenance

Whether you have an existing tool or a brand new tool, SDI Plastics provide a complete solution to your toolmaking requirements. Our talented team of toolmakers and expert engineers are on hand to make tool recommendations ‘fit for purpose’ in order to produce a high standard of quality products. This includes modification to tools, as well as tool repair and maintenance services. Our staff of experienced machining professionals can assist you in solving the most challenging CNC machining and manufacturing tasks from simple hole drilling and punching through to complex 3D machining. Reverse engineering is also offered to create innovative repair options required to create the best possible outcomes for your business. Simply talk to us about your requirements and the team at SDI Plastics will work with you to refine and improve your product.

If you are looking for a forward thinking plastic injection toolmakers with a wealth of technical experience to guide you through the entire manufacturing process, SDI Plastics can offer you the solution.

Let’s work together

Give us a call to book your free consultation and learn how much value can be added to your business with SDI Plastics by your side.